Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Execution

Saddam Execution, What do you think?

Saddam Hussein was executed on Saturday December 30, 2006 for killing 148 Shiia in the town of Dujail.

During the 1980s, entire Kurdish towns were destroyed to ensure that survivors would never return to their homes. According to USAID “Since the Saddam Hussein regime was overthrown in May, 270 mass graves have been reported. By mid-January, 2004, the number of confirmed sites climbed to fifty-three. Some graves hold a few dozen bodies—their arms lashed together and the bullet holes in the backs of skulls testimony to their execution. Other graves go on for hundreds of meters, densely packed with thousands of bodies”.

The United Nations, the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch (HRW) all estimate that Saddam Hussein's regime murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people. "Human Rights Watch estimates that as many as 290,000 Iraqis have been 'disappeared' by the Iraqi government over the past two decades," said the group in a statement in May. "Many of these 'disappeared' are those whose remains are now being unearthed in mass graves all over Iraq."

Many think executing Saddam before he faced the genocidal (Anfal) campaigns against the Kurds and Marsh Arabs means we have not had full justice.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I am just happy that he is dead and gone. I am just sorry they executed him so quickly. He should have been stoned to death by the survivals of Halabja

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that! The trial should have continued with the horrendous story of the Kurds revealed to the world!!

Anonymous said...

It is a shame to execute somebody whose expertise was execution. The lesson for him and people like him would have been to rise above his level, to keep him alive, and to teach him and his alike to appreciate life. I am glad it wad not done in the name of Kurds.

Dr Artin maintains the website:

Anonymous said...

Anyone without sin, let him cast the first stone. One should never take a life. Let God almighty be the judge and the executioner. Everyone in this world will be destoyed!

Anonymous said...

Him without sin, let him cast the first stone. Everyone in this world will be destroyed. Let God Almighty be the judge and the executioner.

Anonymous said...

The trial should have been more organised and better prepared. It should have been in process in a more dignifying way and not in a fashion of a soap opera. Maybe the TV should have been kept out as people like Saddam Hussein love the camera and showing off. If he had to be executed then the execution should have been for all his crimes, not just for the killing of 148 Shiite villagers. What has taken place in Kurdistan during, and by, his regime should have been documented properly before the execution.
Despite all the deeds by some members of his family and his brutal regime, if I were in charge I would have not hung him. He should have been sentenced to total isolation for the rest of his life in a fairly comfortable place. Yes, this would have agitated “the human rights organisations” but total isolation would have been more agonising to Saddam than death. Despite everything I felt sorry for him in his last moments.
Shahin B Sorekli

Anonymous said...

I agree with Showan totaly....

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is a greatest day for the Kurds. Saddam had to be tried for all the crimes he committed then executed. I think the execution undermined the cause of Kurds in Iraq from getting more attention by international community. I also think we will see the trial process will fade away soon and that is mean we (Kurds) got no benefit from the entire process to get people know about what happened to us.

M said...

I don't think it is a greatest day for the Kurds. Saddam had to be tried for all the crimes he committed then executed. I think the execution undermined the cause of Kurds in Iraq from getting more attention by international community. I also think we will see the trial process will fade away soon and that is mean we (Kurds) got no benefit from the entire process to get people know about what happened to us.

M said...

I don't think it is a greatest day for the Kurds. Saddam had to be tried for all the crimes he committed then executed. I think the execution undermined the cause of Kurds in Iraq from getting more attention by international community. I also think we will see the trial process will fade away soon and that is mean we (Kurds) got no benefit from the entire process to get people know about what happened to us.

Anonymous said...

I have the same opinion that Saddam should have been tried for carrying out mass destruction, mass execution and mass murder against the innocent people of Kurdistan prior to being hanged. I also strongly agree with Dr. Kamal Artin saying that it was not done in name of Kurds.

In today’s Washington post paper, in an article edited on Saddam’s Bio-data, the author had sincerely mentioned about “Anfal genocidal campaign” and chemical shelling on Halabja city“. Most people are sufficiently aware about what has happened to the Kurds during his reign.

Given the current inconsistent and variable state of affairs in Iraq, It is in our interest that he was executed even if precipitately. No one can predict what will occur in future. Everything is changeable. Remember the pro- Baathist Baker-Hamilton excessive report asking to restore Saddamists back to power? What about the fate of the rest of his accomplice? Should they be put on trial for the same charges? Is that true that Turkey had helped Saddam in slaughtering the Kurds in Iraq?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Had Saddam not been hanged, many true stories would have come to light. His confessions could lead to further unveil where he received his WMD, which countries provided backing and what role had the neighboring countries had in lynching the Kurds.


Anonymous said...

The same if not worse types of crimes are being carried out against the Kurds living in other parts of Kurdistan, as well. How come no body wants talk about it? The international community is well-aware of what is happening there. On a daily basis, hundreds of Kurds are being killed in Turkey, Syria and Iran? Where are all these so-called human rights champions??

Majid Baker

Anonymous said...

I found it a bit primitive, i mean this is the twenty first century.
but an eye for an eye i suppose. it would have made his life more
misserable, in jail. Death was too easy for him.

Burnaby BC

Anonymous said...

Having hanged him or not, the situation has not changed at all. It is the same Iraq and with the same problems. Saddam is gone and it is just a few more days that he will totally be forgotten and no body is even gonna talk about him anymore.

Suzan Baker

Anonymous said...

Adieu Saddam!

For me nothing was more enjoyable than watching him being humiliated and debased in public like that. I hope the rest of his henchmen will get what they deserve, as well. I can not wait for that day!


Anonymous said...

I am Just happy that son of dog is dead

Anonymous said...

With all respect to Islam and Yazidi all over the world, I am a 18 yr old american born girl. Saddams public death was completely irrational! I am disturb at the behavior of the Iraqis that took place during this act. Wasn't it a once a great prophet said "Do on to others; as you would have them do on to you" or my favorite "Two wrongs don't make it right" Saddam should have been publicly tried for all the deaths that took place in Iraq from the time he took dictatorship. He was responsable for a Kurdish genocide, he condoned Honor killings. Saddam deserved every bit of hatered against him, but yet God/Allah has shined a light on us as a reminder that we as people, religions, government officals DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO decide SOMEBODY DEATH! but to despies them for good. Like i said befor im am the average american girl. Saddam deserved to die a slow painful death, death by gulit from his peers. but not by hand of man.